You’re here. Perfect.
And you’re probably asking, ‘How will this service make my life better, right now?’ You’ll also want to know how my qualifications measure up against other editors you’re considering, and whether I’m good enough to be trusted with your agency’s reputation. Let’s see …
5 reasons to hire me
10 years WA public sector editing/managing editing experience
20 years parliamentary and public sector reporter
Editor of 6 gold award-winning annual reports
Nationally accredited editor (AE)
100% commitment – guaranteed
In safe hands
Journalist, editor, lifelong learner dedicated to helping you tell your story clearly and concisely
- My analytical expertise comes from my days as a journalist (The West Australian, The Canberra Times), including three years in the Canberra Press Gallery, so if your topic is important and complex, you can be confident you’re in safe hands.
- My love for language and critical thinking were polished at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada (Master of Journalism).
- I can edit lightly or substantively as the occasion demands (government reports, strategies, policies, scientific papers, books and websites). I’ll have it done just like you want it. And I never, ever miss a deadline.
I’d love to talk to you, so call or email me today.