- Know your audience. All that matters to them is ‘what’s in it for me?’ What problem does your audience want solved? Do the research and give them the answer, including as much or as little information as they need.
- Speak your readers’ language. Sound like a real person. It helps to use your audience’s way of talking and vocabulary. This validates that you know what you’re talking about – departmental officer to Parliament, or agency to members of the public. Tone and style are crucial.
- Provide useful information. Readers are time-crunched. The content must help, educate, inform or entertain them. Remember, communication happens on the listener’s terms.
- State your case in the first paragraph. This is the workhorse of your piece. It has to follow through on your title’s promise and draw readers further in – or let them know to stop reading and move on. Lead with your main point or the most important content, in sentences, paragraphs, sections and pages.
- Edit, edit, edit. Go through your finished piece to check for misspelling and poor grammar. Nothing takes away from your content faster than poor writing. If you have the budget, hire an editor to help and give your writing a fresh set of eyes. This is particularly important for agencies where these errors reflect poorly on your brand.
5 steps to create compelling content
5 ways to make an impact
Yes, you need some raw material to work with but get in the game because that’s where the magic happens – weigh in on policies, papers or topics that interest you. Volunteer. Remember, bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. You were born to change the world – write to make a meaningful difference […]
Read more10 tips for annual report writers
Your agency’s annual report creates public value but writing it is tough! How do you do it all? Here’s 10 ways I found to make your job easier. 1. Gather resources early The homework phase – collect all of the agency’s material you can: Previous year’s annual report Strategic plan Current year’s Budget estimate file […]
Read moreWhy hire an editor?
Some things are best left to experts. Electric wiring. Plumbing. Car repairs. Editing. If you decide to cheap out and do it yourself when you lack the training and experience, you risk finding yourself shocked, all wet and left by the roadside … Everyone makes mistakes. All it takes is a few words that can […]
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